Ever seen a website that looks untrustworthy?

Brand trust is essential to a business as it cements its reputation and image to the public. It is important to build trust between a customer and your brand, as in the long run, it helps with sales, acquisition and growth. If you’re wondering if brand trust really matters, ask yourself, have you ever visited a website and thought to yourself…:

  • “This site doesn’t look ‘right’ I don’t want to enter my credit card details here”,
  • “This website looks well dodgy, so the business must be dodgy too”,
  • “This page doesn’t have any  information or photos of their product or services”,
  • “There is no security protection and/or  security certification for my credit card or personal details”

All of these questions revolve around brand trust.

As your online reputation builds, you need to establish brand trust with your customers. Knowing your brand identity and who your target audience is, will also  assist your website writing and photo selections.

There are a few ways you can build your business’ brand trust:

brand trust

1. Content marketing

Not only is your quality content important for SEO purposes, but it is also essential for allowing customers to understand your product and business. By writing a description of your products and services, and the benefits they deliver will influence customers’ decisions to purchase. Having relevant content in your FAQs, About Us, product descriptions and location will all help to build brand trust.

2. Using good quality images

Using high quality images help a business to look professional. Professional photos instill trust for customers who are looking to purchase whereas blurry or, low-quality photos will cause a customer to doubt your trustworthiness. If your photos are of poor quality then what does that say about your products? If you need photos for your website, use free tools such as Unsplash which has a range of professional stock images.

3. Making people feel secure about your product/business

Security is extremely important in today’s technological era. With consumers aware of hackers, data-stealing, hacking and identity theft, it is paramount that you reassure your customer of the safety of you site so that they feel safe sharing their personal details.

Adding website security to your page is highly recommended including an SSL Certification and displaying this on your site can make all the difference. Website security ensures data is not exposed and prevents cyber-criminals from stealing or exploiting information.

In Conclusion

While developing your business’ reputation and trust, ask yourself: 

Does the website look trustworthy and safe? If I were a customer would I feel confident enough to put in my credit card details?

If in doubt, ask your friends what they think.

Ultimately, a website is an extension and representation of your business and your products. Having a trustworthy brand and a solid online reputation, are key influencers when it comes to a consumer’s decision to purchase. By merchandising your site correctly you reinforce brand trust, much the same way that retail stores convince their customers that they are worthy to buy from.

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