HaAs a tour operator, developing an intimate understanding of your customers is a vital element to provide positive customer experiences. It can however be more challenging for tour operators compared to other small business owners. This is largely due to the various customer demographics — spanning different cultures, languages, religions, and backgrounds.

While it’s important to be aware of your target audience, it’s even more critical to delivering a consistent customer experience. When you provide a positive customer experience, your customers are going to remember it. They will also be more likely to share their experiences on social media and within their inner circle

To improve the customer experience at your tour company, you can place yourselves in the shoes of your customers. This is called customer journey mapping, and it’s the process of identifying your travelers’ wants and needs at every point in their customer journey. A great example of a company that managed to identify the wants and needs of its customers is The Vino Bus. They provide an all-inclusive wine tour for wine-loving travelers. From pick-up at your front door, a two-course lunch, multiple wine tastings, and knowledgeable guides – their services provide their customers with ease and efficiency.

There’s a lot more to the customer experience than you might imagine, and customer journey mapping can help you create an individualized approach to the customer experience.

Here are five steps you can take to create a good customer experience at your tour company:

Keep in mind the first impression is a lasting impression

In many cases, a prospective customer will form an opinion within a matter of moments of interacting with your brand. It’s important to keep in mind that your customers will generate that first impression during the online booking process — not when they arrive for their tour or activity. An online booking system like Rezdy, allows you to provide a seamless and cohesive booking experience for your customers. This will help to give the impression that you are a professional and organized tour company.

Remember the importance of clear, consistent communication

After your customers book their tour, you need to continue building your relationship with them. Reminder messages can help your travellers stay connected to your tour company and help them feel like they are a part of your brand. You can use automatic e-mails to provide your customers with updates, set expectations for their tour, and remind them about their upcoming booking.

Know that your tour guides are the face and voice of your brand

Hiring the right tour guides for your company is pivotal to your success and plays a significant role in the customer journey. It’s important that your tour guides understand the importance of a great customer experience. They should always be ready to provide a stellar experience for every customer on any given day.

The best tour guides are those that are welcoming, friendly and personable. They should also have a clear understanding of the tour and activity itself. Having an understanding of the local area will also be beneficial. This will help tremendously when needing to provide answers to any questions that your customers may have.

Tour operators are the voice of your company

Prepare for each tour in advance and expect the unexpected

You need to plan and prepare for each tour or activity that you offer in advance. You should have routes mapped out, resources allocated and options identified to accommodate the preferences of your individual traveller. In addition, you need to prepare for any possible obstacles and have backup plans in place; these obstacles could include inclement weather, construction and other roadblocks that may occur.

Show your gratitude for your customers — Ask for their feedback

Your customers are the key to your success, and you should show them that you are grateful for their patronage. One of the ways that you can show your customers that you care is to solicit their feedback. Asking for online reviews proves that you are committed to providing good customer service. Moreover, positive reviews are a good way to attract new travel customers.

For your customers, their tour experience is not just a regular day on the town. It’s a memorable occasion that they may have been waiting weeks, months or even years to enjoy. By making their individual experience a priority, you will ensure that they get to cherish an experience they have been waiting for. From the moment your customers book one of your tours until they disembark from your tour bus, customer service should be your top priority.

With a booking system like Rezdy in place, a positive customer service experience will come naturally. Find out how Rezdy can help your business along every step of the customer journey by starting your FREE 21-day trial or get a free demo today.

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