Everyone overlooks customer service. It’s easy for tour and activity operators to get caught up in the process of trying to generate new business from diverse market segments. While bookings from new customers are beneficial, it’s the loyal customers who are going to allow you to enjoy long term brand growth.

Wondering how you can improve your customer relationships and boost customer loyalty? Here are the key ingredients to your success:

Focus on social listening and online engagement

In this interactive age, social media monitoring is critical for tour and activity companies. Your social media manager should enact a social listening policy that encourages all staff members to recognize the need for interaction online. Whether it’s thanking a customer for a referral, responding to a critical complaint or offering more information about your products, your social media marketing strategy should focus on engagement. This is the only way to increase brand loyalty and prove to other followers that you are committed to providing the best customer service possible. Social media monitoring can be a round-the-clock job, but it’s worth the effort because it can greatly increase your customer retention rate.

Implement a great customer service policy

customer service

Your customer service policy needs to cover every aspect of the customer journey, from the moment they first discover your brand online until the minute they depart your tour bus. The technology you use at your tour and activity company plays a critical role in your ability to provide superior customer service. You need to have a tour booking software in place that allows your customers to easily browse your products and book with you as quickly as possible. Your tour booking system should offer short forms and secure payment processing. This is the first step in providing exceptional and personalized customer service.

Solicit feedback and encourage online reviews

customer service

While building your base on the various social networks is imperative and offering good customer service is necessary, your prospective travelers are most likely going to trust the online feedback that is available about your brand. Knowing that interested tourists are going to read reviews about your tour company on Google and TripAdvisor, it’s important that you solicit feedback from your customers and monitor any feedback that you receive online. It’s unrealistic to expect positive feedback all the time, so you need to respond as quickly and professionally as possible when you receive negative reviews from an unhappy customer. This provides further proof of your customer service to other travelers who may be considering booking with you.

The best way to mix these ingredients into your business plan is to invest in technology that allows you to connect with your customers and offer good customer service from the first moment of interaction. Rezdy is the premier tour booking system for tour and activity operators. It is a tour operator software platform that focuses on driving bookings and increasing brand loyalty.

If you enjoyed this article – Social Listening, Customer Service & Customer Reviews: The Key Ingredients to Your Business Success – then follow the Rezdy blog. There are a lot of marketing tools and resources designed with businesses like yours in mind.

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