Today, tour and activity providers must have a presence on Facebook in order to increase their online distribution, promote their brand and connect with past, present and future customers. Social media is now one of the most important aspects of tourism marketing. More and more people are using social media to share photos from their vacations, and as a tool to plan future holidays. The tourism and travel industries are closely connected with visual experiences, and social media provides a great platform to catch people’s attention with striking images related to your tour operations.

Facebook in particular is useful for increasing your company’s visibility. Facebook users account for a diverse demographic, mostly representing people in the 18-64 age range. Simply put, Facebook is home to a huge demographic of people – most of whom are in the ideal age bracket for traveling.But creating a successful Facebook page involves more than inputting information into your profile and choosing that perfect profile picture. One way to get started on building a strategy is looking at tour operator examples of successful social media pages.

You need to be active within the community and engage with your customers, just like any social media marketing for tour companies.

We’ve collated some of the best examples of tour companies effectively using Facebook to help inspire your own tourism marketing ideas on social media. When it comes to tours and travels Facebook pages, these tour operators got it right.

Facebook Page 1: Oz Whale Watching

Oz Whale Watching is a tour company that provides visitors to New South Wales, Australia with the chance to enjoy scenic cruises while catching a glimpse of a few whales along the way.

This company’s Facebook page has earned more than 8,400 likes, and for good reason. Oz Whale Watching regularly posts status updates with photos from cruises, many of which were taken that day. They also provide updates on the different species of whales they spot on their tours, and whether they sighted any whale calves.

Ozwhale-1 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

This allows customers to see exactly what they will be able to enjoy while on one of their unique whale watching tours. Oz Whale Watching also uses their platform to promote special events, such as New Year’s Eve experiences and the Boxing Day Sydney to Hobart race.

 Ozwhale-2 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

The company has enabled reviews on its Facebook page, and it averages 4.9 stars.

Ozwhale-3 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

In addition, the page has an app that links to its TripAdvisor reviews as well as a “Book Now” app that allows visitors to instantly access the company’s real-time availability as well as book an upcoming tour.

Facebook Page 2: Go Sea Kayak

Go Sea Kayak is an activity provider in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Its Facebook profile has an astounding 19,000 likes, and this company knows how to engage its customers.

One of the most appealing things about this Facebook page is the fact that interesting and compelling photographs are posted on a regular basis. Images of bright, turquoise oceans draw the viewer in and ensure they keep scrolling down the page.

Goseakayak-1 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

Some of the photos show customers enjoying their kayaking adventure, which keeps current customers and past customers interacting with the page. These kinds of posts also allow customers to share the images they feature in with their Facebook friends, which in turn generates greater company awareness. Social media for tour operators also includes user-generated content, so it’s important to encourage users to share their experiences online.

Other photos show incredible shots of the wildlife in the area, such as dolphins swimming or whales breaching in front of a group of kayakers. They offer a small glimpse into what it would be like to experience their tours. 

Goseakayak-2 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

In addition, the company regularly interacts with their customers and responds to many of the posts on their page. Responding to comments also allows you to maintain your company persona, and leave customers with positive memories of their experience.

Goseakayak-3 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

Facebook Page 3: Dropbear Adventures

Dropbear Adventures offers 3-day eco adventure tours of Fraser Island in Queensland, Australia.

The Facebook page itself is visually appealing, with a unique profile picture that identifies the brand and a high-resolution cover photo that draws the visitor into the page.

Dropbear Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

It’s no surprise that the company has generated 4,200 likes. Dropbear Adventures uses their Facebook page to post breathtaking photos from their adventures that showcase the natural beauty of Fraser Island.

Dropbear-2 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

They also post unique promotions and contests that get their customers involved with their brand on a personal level. This engagement can be particularly necessary for a tour company that organises tours spanning multiple days. If a customer will be spending a longer amount of time with their tour operator, then chances are they will use social media to determine whether the management is personable.

Dropbear-3 Winning Social Media Facebook Page Example for Tour Operators

Start leveraging Facebook

The need to have social media for tour companies is now as important as ever. You can use your Facebook page to promote your latest deals, remind your customers that you offer online bookings, and share incredible photos and videos from your tours and activities.

Chances are, your customers are going to look up your Facebook profile before they make their reservation. 

Make sure you offer them an interactive space where they can reach out for further information and connect with others who have enjoyed what you have to offer. Create excitement through engaging posts and powerful images that will generate anticipation amongst your customers. The most memorable tours are the ones where customers are enthusiastic about participating from the get-go.  Facebook posts are key to ensuring that when your customers finally arrive for their tour, they have a positive mindset and know what to expect.

In order to find out more information about the best social media practices for tour operators, read our social media ebook today

social media for tours and activities

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