As a tour operator, it’s important to keep on top of emerging trends in travel trends. Amadeus identified certain types of travellers that are emerging in Australia. Watch this quick video for a quick recap of their research.



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1. The Independent Traveller

60% of leisure and 41% of travellers are making their own travel arrangements, generally via Internet Tweet this stat!

Flexibility and lower costs are the main reasons for travellers to book online by themselves Tweet this stat!

Only 50% of tourism providers in Australia currently have booking facilities on their websites Tweet this stat!

20% of tourism providers in Australia have no website at all Tweet this stat!

2. Generation ‘S’ (Senior)

The number of over 65s is growing by 76%, from just under 4 million in 2011 to almost 7 million in 2030 Tweet this stat!

Almost 40% of over 65 year old travellers state that they will use a travel agent in future for travel arrangements Tweet this stat!

3. The Female Business Traveller

Australia already has a higher penetration of female business travellers than other markets (except China) Tweet this stat!

Well over 50% of all graduates in Australia are female Tweet this stat!

Female business travellers rely on peer recommendations and advice more than men Tweet this stat!


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