You have your Facebook page all set up, so that everyone who is traveling to your area and wants to book one of your tours or activities can interact with you. You’ve picked out the perfect cover photo, and you have a great profile picture that showcases your brand name and logo. You have your contact information listed, a few photo albums posted and a witty status already on your Timeline.

Now the real work begins — you have to get your past, present and future clients to interact with you. But how?

The following tips can help you get testimonials from your customers and also help you encourage people to engage with you on this ever-popular social network.

1. Offer a prize or incentive for leaving a review of your company and its services.

According to Marketing Sherpa, some travel companies offer gift cards to the customers who leave the most beneficial, helpful and informative reviews.

People love Facebook contests, so making a contest about reviews and testimonials is a great way to promote your company while gaining a few reviews along the way.

Popular gift card choices include Amazon, Starbucks and Target.

2. Send out an e-mail survey and ask for a Facebook testimonial at the end of it.

Before you give a tour or provide an experience, be sure to get your customers’ contact information. Have them include their full name, address, phone number and e-mail address. About a week after they have visited your location, send them an e-mail with a survey asking about their experience.

In addition to the standard questions you would ask in this type of survey, ask them to leave a testimonial for you to post on your business Facebook page. Many people are more inclined to leave a testimonial this way, so it helps you to get more reviews than you would if you simply asked for them on Facebook.

3. Advertise your Facebook page at the end of a tour.

Your customers are going to find your business through many different means. Some will receive your business name as a referral from friends and family, and others will find you simply by walking down the street.

Not everyone will automatically realize you have a presence on the largest social media network, so don’t forget to remind them.

Simply inform them that you have a Facebook page and if they want to see photographs and get more information about upcoming tours and promotions, they should like your page. Of course, ask politely for them to leave a post about their experiences once they have found you on Facebook.

4. Simply ask for a testimonial through a status update or a photograph.

Sometimes getting testimonials on Facebook is as simple as asking for them. Every once in a while, post a short status update that asks clients to say what they love about your tours and activities.

The status update could simply read “Tell us why you loved the tour you went on with your company.” You will be surprised how many people will take a few seconds out of their day to reminisce about their time spent with you and provide you with a kind testimonial.

What’s in it for you?

When you ask your customers for their opinions, they feel that they are valued by your company. You will find that people on Facebook feel more accountable, since they have to back up their account with their full name and picture. You are more likely to get accurate and honest reviews that don’t simply trash your company.

However, it’s important to be realistic and understand that all businesses will have both negative and positive feedback. When it comes to social media, it’s very important to avoid the temptation of deleting negative feedback about your company. This frustrates other people on the social network, and can be a public relations disaster in just a matter of minutes.

Instead, encourage representatives for your company and your social media manager to interact with clients, ask them to elaborate and provide solutions — all on your Facebook timeline. This will show that you care about your customers and you want to make it right.

The first step to delving into the world of social media is setting up your account and getting started. The second step is promoting community engagement, and interacting with your customers on a regular basis.

Through this, you will establish a repertoire with your clients that will allow them to do the promotion work for you. You will find that the more people who like your page and share your status updates, photographs and videos, the more your business will continue to grow.

Before you know it, you’ll be the most popular tour company in your area.

For more tips on how to use social media for your tour or activity business, download our free ebook:

social media for tours and activities

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