The social media strategy that you have developed for your tour and activity business not only needs to identify which platforms you are going to utilize, but should also note industry best practices for participating on those networks. Facebook, for example, is one of the most powerful social networking sites on the planet. It’s used by billions across the globe, and it’s particularly valuable for tour and activity operators. While there are endless opportunities for engagement on Facebook, it’s important to avoid these common Facebook marketing mistakes as well.

Posting Too Frequently or Not Posting Enough

Tour and activity operators need to strike the right balance when it comes to posting frequently. If you post too much, you will irritate your followers and they may end up blocking you. If you don’t post enough, they may forget that your brand even exists. Ideally, you should post 5-10 times per week. Try not to post more than once per day. Include multimedia elements and visuals, such as photographs or videos, with your posts in order to increase engagement. Each post should be different and unique.

Not Taking Advantage of Resources, Such as Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is the metrics system available through Facebook, and it’s going to give you the valuable data that you need in order to create an effective social media strategy for using the platform. You can use features, such as Friends of Fans or People Talk About This in order to see who is most interested in and engaged with your tour and activity company.

Ignoring Comments and Reviews From Your Customers

People who comment on your Facebook page or who leave reviews for your company are reaching out to you. They are looking to engage and interact with you. If you ignore them, they are going to feel like you are not invested in your customers. It may be tempting to avoid negative feedback, but it’s critical that you address these reviews in a kind and professional manner. Not only is it important to reach out to the customer who is disappointed, but it’s necessary to prove to your other followers that you are committed to quality service.

Posting Bland, Similar Posts Repeatedly

Always switch up the type of content that you posts. One day you can throw up a new video, another day might be better for a contest. Keep it interesting for your followers.

Not Taking Advantage of Ad Opportunities

Facebook ads can be targeted to a very specific group of people, making them an ideal option for tour and activity companies. In addition to your Facebook posts, be sure to supplement your presence on the social networking site with advertisements.

Your social media strategy should be a fluid entity. As you continue to grow your presence on Facebook and improve your brand reputation online, you will want to evaluate the techniques that you use in order to determine what’s working and what’s not.

To stay informed of the social media best practices for tour and activity operators, download the Rezdy online e-book now.

social media for tours and activities facebook marketing

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