Attending a travel industry trade show is a commitment. Not only do you have to spend money to travel to the trade show and stay in the city that is hosting the show but you also have to allocate staff to attend it. If you are exhibiting at the show, you will have to pay for your booth. You may have to miss out on several days of working in the office. Admittedly, it’s a lot of work to attend — but it’s certainly worth it.

Here are five reasons why you should add travel trade shows to your budget:

It’s an easy way to grow your distribution network

People from all aspects of the tour and activity industry attend travel trade shows. Not only are you going to be rubbing elbows with the competition but you also will be meeting with travel agents, travel suppliers, destination marketing organizations and more. This is the perfect time to grow your distribution network, which can easily be managed by your channel manager.

You can showcase your tour booking software

As you promote your tour and activity company to trade show attendees, you can also generate buzz about the technology that you have implemented. This is the perfect opportunity to share additional information about your tour booking system and how its innovative features ensure a seamless experience every time for both prospective travelers and distributors.

You can discover the latest industry trends

As you explore the trade show, you will discover new information about emerging trends in the travel and tourism industry. By getting this information firsthand, you can take advantage of these trends at your own company and boost your revenue.

It helps you keep up with the competition

You won’t be the only tour and activity company in attendance. When you are at the trade show, you can monitor the competition and learn more about what other companies do that helps them to be successful. Then, you can adapt their ideas to your business and generate superior results.

It allows you to build brand recognition

When you attend a trade show, you are going to be bringing a lot of promotional materials with you. From signage that displays your logo in bright, vivid colors to marketing materials that can be handed out to the guests at the trade show, these promotional products are useful for increasing brand recognition across the industry.

If you have never attended a trade show, now may be the best time to insert this line item into your next budget. It will be a worthwhile investment in your business and will give you the opportunity to meet some of the leading experts in the tour and activity industry.

Don’t forget to bring along all of the promotional information related to your tour booking system. Rezdy is the premier activity booking software for the tour and activity sector and is sure to impress all of the attendees at your next trade show.

If you enjoyed this article – 5 Reasons Why You Should Add Travel Trade Shows to Your Budget – then follow the Rezdy blog. There are a lot of marketing tools and resources designed with businesses like yours in mind.

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