Branding is one of those words that just sounds expensive, especially to independent tour and activity operators who need to grow their business in an efficient, cost effective way. But branding doesn’t have to be a significant marketing cost. In fact, there are many ways to brand yourself while sticking to your budget.

In order to do that, you simply need to know the elements of branding and how you can apply them within your own tour and activity business:

1. Your Brand Experience

Don’t mistake the brand experience for the actual experience that a tourist enjoys while participating in your tours and activities. The brand experience encompasses any interaction that a consumer has with your brand — whether through their first visit to your website, through commenting on your Facebook page or through calling your office manager. Travelers should have a positive experience with your brand at every point of contact.


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2. Your Tone of Voice

In many respects, your tour and activity company is a living entity. Therefore, it should have a personality all its own. As you begin the process of branding, you need to decide on the tone of voice for your business. Perhaps you want to give off the laid back vibe, or maybe you prefer to go the strictly professional route. It doesn’t matter which tone you choose, as long as you use it consistently throughout all of your branding materials.

3. Your Branding Colors

Your brand needs a consistent visual icon that your past, present and future customers will remember you by. As you create a logo for your tour and activity company, select colors that will represent your mission and your goals. Continue to use those colors in all marketing materials to establish brand identity among your target market segments.

4. Your Visual Creatives

Visual proof is an essential part of branding in the 21st century. More than ever, travelers are relying on photographs and videos to make their decisions for their upcoming trips. If you can’t hire a professional to take photographs and videos of your tours in action, then rent equipment to DIY the project. These elements need to be in a prominent place on your website, on your social media pages and throughout your marketing campaigns.


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5. Your Customer Service

In many respects, your customers are your most powerful marketing tool. Their experience with your brand will extend to their family members and friends. Your brand tone and message needs to be conveyed throughout every customer service interaction.

Developing your brand is the first step in marketing your tour and activity company to a global audience. Once you’ve branded yourself, you need to start promoting your brand message as frequently as possible. To do that, you will need an expert online marketing strategy, a diverse distribution network and an innovative online booking system to keep everything running smoothly. To optimize your business growth, you need Rezdy. Begin your free demo today.

Travel Tourism Glossary Ebook

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