Due to their sheer number alone, Baby Boomers have long influenced the way that we live, work and play. These days, most boomers are steadily heading toward retirement. They have gathered wealth and are ready to travel the world in style. In short, tour and activity operators should focus on tourism marketing to baby boomers.

3 effective marketing channels to use to increase baby boomers bookings

  1. Television

    Compared to younger generations, Baby Boomers are more likely to watch cable television — and all of those endless commercials. While Millennials and Gen Z are opting for TV subscription services, Boomers prefer traditional TV. A recent survey revealed that more than 25 percent of Baby Boomers spend more than 19 hours a week watching TV. Thus, consider creating an inviting TV advertisement that uses both images and videos to showcase your tour products. Emphasize luxury, as this is a generation with disposable income. One of the most notable Baby Boomer travel trends is that they are willing to spend more to enjoy a more private or exclusive experience.

  2. Search Engine Marketing


    Baby Boomers are mistakenly thought of as a generation who do not take to technology. However, they have actually adopted most of the new technology that has come their way over their lifetime. They are adept at using mobile devices and often rely on the Internet to gather information. Search engine marketing can be a powerful way to reach Baby Boomers; as they are more likely to do research this way than to rely on social media like younger generations like Gen Z. Organic SEO techniques can help you reach Boomers who are targeting specific search terms. Pay-per-click campaigns can help you stay at the top of the results page and drive bookings.

  3. E-mail Marketing

    Nearly 95 percent of Baby Boomers say that e-mail is their preferred Internet activity. They rely heavily on e-mail to communicate with friends and family as well as to stay connected with businesses that they frequent. E-mail marketing campaigns are an effective way to generate interest and increase bookings. With the right online booking system in place, you can create and schedule automatic e-mail campaigns that will target specific groups of consumers in your business database.

Baby Boomers may not have come of age in the midst of the digital revolution, but these travellers have adapted to the tech-savvy styles of today. You can use a variety of online marketing techniques and strategies to appeal to Baby Boomers and increase bookings.

Want to learn more?

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Wondering what the Gen Z segment prefers in the travel space? Read more about it here.

Read our blog on ‘5 ways to attract tourists to your tour or experience business’ here.

Image credit: Jared Sluyter


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