In the last several years, Instagram has taken the social media world by storm. It quickly catapulted to one of the most-loved social networks across all demographics, but particularly Millennials. As such, it’s become a pivotal platform for tour and activity operators, who rely heavily on social media marketing to capture the attention of their most motivated market segments. So, how can you create Instagram campaigns for your tour, activity, or attraction that creates buzz? We explore the latest trends and techniques in this blog post.

The value of Instagram

Instagram is particularly valuable for tour and activity operators, because it is an image-centric social platform. Compared to Facebook or Twitter, Instagram is all about those beautiful images and simple hashtags — making it an easy place to develop brand identity and increase engagement with travelers from around the world.

Tips for creating engaging Instagram campaigns

  • Create a brand hashtag, then use it and promote it. Instagram users use hashtags freely and readily on all of their posts, using them to promote their posts to others who may be interested in the same type of content. Your brand needs its own official hashtag, and you need to include that hashtag on every Instagram post or story that you publish. In addition, you need to make sure that your travelers know what your hashtag is and encourage them to use it when they post about their experiences on Instagram.
  • Publish stories as well as standard Instagram content. Stories have quickly become the favorite method of posting to Instagram. These editable posts last for just 24 hours, and are a great way to create engaging and interactive content for your brand. Stories can and should combine photographs with videos to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your brand.
  • Post with consistency. You need to post frequently on Instagram in order to stay at the forefront of your followers’ minds — but be wary of posting too often. You don’t want to spam your followers with excessive content. Posting once per day or several times per week is ideal.

Tour and activity operators that are getting it right on Instagram

Each brand has their own approach to Instagram content, but some are doing it better than others. Tourism Australia, for example, is one of the most successful DMO’s (Destinational Marketing Organization) on Instagram. By posting simple yet stunning photographs of the continent, they have earned more than 3.1 million followers and generate about 100,000 likes per post.

The Rezdy attraction booking software is an innovative business solution that not only allows you to streamline the administrative processes at your tour and activity company, but also gives you the opportunity to sync your website with all of your social platforms. We strive to provide our clients with the latest and greatest information about social media marketing trends.

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Image credit: geo uc

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