Just a few years ago, all anyone talked about when it came to Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) was their ranking among the other search results. Grabbing that coveted spot at the top of a SERP was an accomplishment worth celebrating. While your ranking is still important, there’s so much more that factors into your ability to capture an interested traveler who is browsing results on the SERP. For example, having product reviews appear in your search result may influence that decision of a customer looking at 10 different results for a search query.

Star reviews provide instant and visual social proof of your products. Getting those star reviews to show up on your SERP listing not only validates your business but can increase your site visitors as well as your conversions.

So how do you get those star reviews to appear in your search engine result? Here are 3 ways to do so.

Use a Schema code on a product landing page

A schema code is a specific part of your website code that will make the star reviews appear on the search engine results page. Embed the schema code within one of your landing pages that describes the particular product or service that you offer. The code should be placed at the top of the page, before any other code. It is important to note that this schema code cannot be located on the home page as Google will not recognize it.

Hire a third-party review site for your AdWords campaign

Google used to have a complicated system in place that made it nearly impossible for the average business to get the reviews on the AdWords ad but now all you have to do is partner with an approved third-party review site. Websites such as Verified Reviews and eKomi are approved by Google and will verify your online feedback for you.

Have Google re-crawl your website to reflect changes on the SERP

Once you have implemented new code or partnered with a third-party review site, you may not notice an immediate difference in the appearance of your SERP listing. This is because Google needs to re-crawl your website before recognizing and understanding the new code that is in place. To get Google to re-crawl your website, ask the search engine giant to perform a fetch. You can have Google fetch one URL or all of the URLs that are connected with your tour and activity website. Alternatively, you can submit your site map to Google Search Console.

It takes a bit of extra effort to get those pretty yellow stars to appear underneath your brand name on the SERP, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. Research shows that more consumers will click on a link that has positive feedback available instantly. In addition, those same motivated travelers are more likely to book with you while browsing your website because they have already have the knowledge that your tour was rated highly by previous customers.

If you enjoyed this article on how to get product reviews to appear in search engines, then follow the Rezdy blog. There are a lot of marketing tools and resources designed with businesses like yours in mind.

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Image credit: Kayla Farmer

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