For years now, people have been talking about search engine optimization, or SEO, and its role in helping a business maintain its online visibility. While SEO is nothing new to tour and activity providers, it’s important to note that the largest search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and therefore changing the SEO game.

Why is SEO Important in the Travel Industry?

While all businesses, regardless of industry, know that SEO plays a pivotal role in their success, it’s particularly important for travel industry businesses. Your tour and activity company needs to be accessible to people across the globe in order for you to drive bookings and improve your products. Using the right SEO techniques, you can maintain your top search engine results rankings and therefore capture a larger share of the market who is searching for your tours and activities online.

Read more: One Must-Have Website Feature in Order for Google to Rank you

5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Designing a website that doesn’t accommodate mobile users. Every year, the number of mobile users climbs steadily. It won’t be long before the majority of all online bookings are made from mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets. Your website needs a responsive web design that will adjust automatically to the screen size of the user. Today’s search engine algorithms dock websites that are not compatible with mobile devices.
  2. Creating a website that lacks video and photo content. Photo and video content is the most engaging content that you can put on your website. A website that is too word-heavy is not going to rank well in the search engine results, because the search engines know that users are craving interactive, visual proof of your products.
  3. Stuffing your content with a bunch of trending keywords. Using powerful keywords in your content is a necessary component to any SEO strategy, but keyword stuffing is obvious. The search engines know when keywords are being placed in content simply to earn rankings, rather than being incorporated sporadically into valuable, accurate content designed to inform searchers.
  4. Writing a generic content that doesn’t offer personalized insight into your offerings. Ultimately, the search engines prioritize the user who is looking for goods and services online. These search engines promote pages that are most likely to meet the needs of the searcher, so you need to create customized content that is specific, interesting and accurate.
  5. Avoiding internal and external links within your website content. Search engine algorithms look for links to be embedded within your content, but these links also can help assist your site visitors on their online booking journey. Use links on each landing page to encourage your site visitors to continue browsing your website and to ultimately book directly with your tour company.

Your tour and activity company’s SEO strategy should be a living entity that is always changing based on the latest algorithms and online trends. With the Rezdy Advantage Plan, you get the SEO assistance you need to get the results that you need. Learn more about the Rezdy Advantage Plan now.


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