Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is one of the most talked about topics in the world of digital marketing. Essentially, SEO is the process of creating content that increases a brand’s visibility and reach online by allowing them to earn the coveted top spots on the search engine results page.

Why is SEO Important for Your Tour and Activity Business?

Many of the most motivated travelers within your market segment will discover your business during an online search. Whether they are using Google, Facebook or TripAdvisor, you will want to have content in place that will increase your visibility and allow you to reach your target market segments. Without SEO, you would be lost in a vast sea of global competitors.

Read more: How to Beat Competition and Become the Top Travel Destination in your State

4 Facts You Need to Know About SEO

  1. It all begins with valuable content. Ultimately, the core of SEO is incorporating powerful keywords that are trending into your website content and social posts. Keywords such as “city tours in Sydney” are popular among tour and activity operators, but you need to avoid stuffing them into the content. Generally, you will get the best results when you use your keywords in a natural way while offering your target audience valuable and informative content that will help them make the best decision for their upcoming visit to your destination. Fresh content is necessary to maintaining your search engine results page ranking, so consider creating a blog for your brand.
  2. You need to make mobile a top priority. As mobile usage increases exponentially around the globe, the search engines are prioritizing websites and social pages that are mobile-friendly. This means that you need a responsive web design for your brand, and that you should offer mobile booking capabilities via your website and social platforms.
  3. Visual content also aids your SEO strategy. SEO is about more than just keywords. You need to provide your users with an engaging and interactive experience, and the most motivated travelers are looking for visual proof of what you have to offer. Including a high-resolution image gallery as well as several videos that detail the experiences that you offer will help you boost your website’s ranking on the results page. In addition, visual content embedded into your social posts will increase user engagement with your brand.
  4. Algorithms are constantly changing, so you must frequently adapt your SEO approach. It seems that every few months the search engines throw out news that an updated algorithm is on the way, and it sends the SEO industry into a tailspin. The bottom line is, you can’t remain comfortable for long with your current SEO plan. Your SEO strategy needs to be a dynamic, living plan where you frequently look for new ways to offer users a valuable and engaging experience with your brand.

With the Rezdy Advantage Plan, you will receive a customized SEO strategy as well as Google Analytics reports that will help you track your success. Enquire today about the Rezdy Advantage Plan.


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