Much like your utility bills and your employees’ wages, your marketing and advertising costs are a necessary evil when it comes to running your tour and activity company. Promoting your products is an integral part of branding in tourism marketing, and necessary to increase your bookings over time. However, you don’t have to break the bank to get the word out about your brand.

Here’s how you can advertise your tours and activities on a budget:

Create a Campaign Targeted Toward Your Most Motivated Market Segment

It’s important that you use your marketing resources wisely, and that you target your campaigns toward the travelers who are most likely to book with you. It’s natural to want to grab the attention of a diverse range of people, but the reality is that every tour and activity company has a niche market that most frequently books their products. You can created a targeted pay-per-click campaign that will keep your tour and activity company at the forefront of the minds of your largest market segment. You can target your campaign to people from a specific location, to people of a certain age group or to people of special interests.


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Time Your Campaign Accordingly

The timing of your marketing campaign can make a big difference in how much it costs you to promote your products. In many cases, last-minute bookings are some of the most inexpensive bookings you can get, as far as your advertising costs are concerned. Time your PPC campaign so that it launches during the evening. This is when most last-minute travelers are looking into their tour and activity options for the next day. Since you know exactly when your target market segment is most likely going to be looking for your tour and activity company, you will be able to save on the costs of the campaign.


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Make Sure Your Campaign is Mobile-Friendly

It will be a waste of your advertising dollars to create a campaign that can only be viewed on desktop devices. An ever-increasing number of travelers are relying on their smart phones and tablets to research and book their travel arrangements, including their tours and activities. Mobile-friendly PPC campaigns allow you to reach a larger number of travelers and therefore will give you a better return on your marketing investment. Of course, to truly get the best results, you also need to have a responsive website design in place.

These are just a few of the cheap, yet effective, ways of advertising your tours and activities. As long as you get the word out to the people who are most likely to book your tours, you will see the results you crave. It won’t be long before there’s a surge in bookings, and since you saved on marketing costs, you can simply enjoy the excess revenue.

To learn more about the most effective ways to promote your tours and activities online, download the Rezdy online marketing ebook now.

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