Perhaps you made your website your priority in 2017. You spend the year perfecting its design, making sure that you included valuable tour descriptions and incorporating high-resolution photographs whenever possible. Now, in 2018, you need to make sure your hard work stays visible to your target audience. For this, you’re going to need to know what is up-and-coming in the world of SEO.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the practice of creating content for your website that helps increase your brand’s rankings on the search engine results page, and ultimately drive traffic to your website. The idea is to use SEO best practices to improve the visibility of your website, and to make sure that your website is within reach of motivated travelers who are most likely to book your tour products.


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These are the 2018 SEO trends you need to utilize within your tour and activity company:

  1. Focus on being browsable. Your tour and activity website should be the most valuable resource that travelers have, not only about your products but also about your destination as a whole. Include plenty of internal links to keep visitors engaged with your site, and to increase the amount of time they spend on the site. This will help improve the likelihood of your site visitors converting into customers who finalize their bookings directly through you.
  2. Appreciate the visuals. Use high-resolution photographs whenever possible, because this provides prospective travelers with visual proof of your products. Photographs that show people within your target market segments enjoying your tours and activities are the most valuable. Remember though, that large file sizes can slow down your site speeds, which can negatively impact your rankings on the search engine results page.
  3. Avoid keyword stuffing. Keywords can play a major role in your ability to rank on the search engine results page, but there is such a thing as using one keyword phrase too much. Keyword stuffing is an easy way to get docked on the ranking. Instead, create content that incorporates keywords naturally into the landing page, and make sure that you are offering valuable, accurate information to your site visitors.
  4. Be smart with SEO. You will want to create an SEO strategy that is designed for your tour and activity company, and this means considering smart SEO tactics that work best within the travel industry. Long-form landing pages, for example, are better for travel industry companies than those in other industries.
  5. Remember quality over quantity. It is better to create a website filled with high-quality content, such as accurate tour descriptions and visually-appealing videos that engage your target audience, than to fill your website with inadequate landing pages that are stuffed with trending keywords.

The best SEO practices are constantly changing, so tour and activity operators have to consistently consider the latest trends within their website design. To learn more about SEO and other travel terminologies for modern tour and activity operators, download Rezdy’s Travel Tourism Glossary today.

Travel Tourism Glossary Ebook

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