It’s easy to think that your tour and activity company is competing against every other travel-related business in your destination, but that’s simply not true. In fact, sometimes teamwork is the best way for everyone to succeed in the tourism industry. Through destination marketing, you and other travel business owners can work together to promote your destination and increase the number of visitors who book trips to your region.

These tips will help you create an effective destination marketing campaign:

Create a campaign that focuses on what makes your destination unique and attractive.

There’s hundreds of other cities around the world that travelers can visit, and many of them offer the same types of attractions, tours and activities that are available in your destination. Through your destination marketing strategy, you need to showcase what makes your destination unique. Perhaps your region has dozens of beautiful waterfalls, creating the perfect backdrop for romance or the ideal opportunity for adventure. Or maybe you are known for your local flavor and culture. Let travelers discover your destination and what makes it stand out from the rest through your destination marketing solutions.

Highlight the various ways in which your destination will exceed the expectations of travelers.

An effective destination marketing strategy will show travelers that there are many different options for their upcoming trip to your destination. Whether they want to visit theme parks, relax on the beach or go on a new adventure, your destination marketing campaign should include everything they might need or desire. Beyond showing them what they can enjoy, you should motivate them to book a trip as soon as possible. You can do this by creating package deals with other travel businesses in your region that offer complementary services. For instance, your tour and activity company could partner with a local hotel and restaurant to create an enticing package for prospective visitors.

Personalize the campaign to attract special interest groups.

Many times, organizations and clubs like to plan trips to together. You should take note of any special interest groups that might be particularly interested in your destination because of what it has to offer. For instance, if your region is known for its wineries and vineyards, then your destination may appeal to bachelorette parties or food enthusiasts who want to experience your area. Identify these special interest groups, and work with your local tourism partners to create experiences that will encourage these groups to visit.

Participating in a destination marketing strategy is a great way to promote your region to motivated travelers. However, in order for your tour and activity company to succeed, you need to be prepared to accept new bookings. Make sure that your distribution strategy includes agents who are prepared to resell your tours to those who discover your company through the destination marketing campaign. Also, prepare your online marketing strategy for an influx of interested travelers who may be potential guests.

For more information on how Rezdy can help your tour and activity business grow, begin your free demo today.

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