Retargeting is an important component of your online marketing strategy. The fact of the matter is, most of your website visitors are not going to be converted into customers. Using retargeting practices, you can remind people about your products after they have left your website in hopes of bringing them back and converting them into customers. It’s important to invest your marketing resources where it’s most effective, so here are the best practices for retargeting:

Focus on 5% of Your Visitors

Only about 3% of your visitors are going to be converted into customers on their first visit. The other 97% likely will not convert, but there are probably about 5% of customers who showed genuine interest in your products. Those are the 5% you need to focus on when you are retargeting. This is where you need to invest your resources, because they are the most likely to book your tours and activities.

Target Relevant Locations

Some people browse travel destinations for fun, and they may have no interest in actually visiting your destination. Evaluate your data and determine the locations where your actual customers come from. These are the areas you need to target in your marketing strategies, because people from these regions are most likely to book your tours. Chances are, a person browsing from three continents away is not going to book your tours. They probably don’t even have a flight to your destination! Focus on the people who are most likely to visit your corner of the world.

Know Your Product

Different tour products take longer to sell. For instance, a 2-week jungle tour is going to generate motivated customers. They won’t wait 5 months to book this excursion, so you only need to retarget customers for one day. Kayak rentals, on the other hand, may be something that takes customers a bit longer to book. While you may not need to run banner ads retargeting potential customers for 30 days in a row, you might want to spend 5-7 days retargeting the customers who seemed most interested in your rentals.

Give Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

At the end of the day, some visitors need extra motivation in order to click the “Book Now” button. The best way to encourage customers to book with you is to offer them a discount or a promotion. For example, if they fill out the information form but never finalize their booking, send them an e-mail with a promotional code to finish their order. This can quickly convince them to book through you.

Your online marketing strategy should be fluid, and you should update it as trends emerge in the tourism industry. In order to stay on top of the latest industry news and relevant online marketing practices, connect with Rezdy. As the only online booking system designed specifically for tour and activity providers, we believe it’s important to help our clients grow and improve their businesses. For more information on retargeting and other online marketing strategies, download our online marketing ebook today.

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