Google AdWords is a powerful platform that allows you to drive traffic to your website, and when you run a campaign, you will likely notice an increase in visitors. The problem arises, however, when you are noticing an increase in traffic but not a subsequent boost in conversions. You pay-per-click with an AdWords campaign, so you are spending money to bring visitors to your site who may not end up as customers in the end.

For example, if you are a bike rental company, you may attract travelers who are simply looking for city tours of your area. While you get them to your website through an AdWords campaign, they may not be interested in the products that you offer. You may not provide the city bus tours that they are looking for, but that doesn’t mean you can’t boost your revenue through these travelers.

How to Increase the Profit from Your Google AdWords Campaign

Connect with local tour and activity operators — even though they may be competitors — and create a deal that allows you to resell their products for a commission. Explain that you are using AdWords in order to promote your business online, and show them that many of their potential customers are ending up on your website.

Note that through your online booking system, you can become an agent on the marketplace and easily sell their products while earning a commission. They are going to get a booking that they would not otherwise have had, and you can earn some extra income on visitors to your website who aren’t looking for your particular product.

Offer competing tours and activities directly on your website in order to increase your conversions. You can link to the competing products within a submenu on your website, allowing visitors to easily book the activity that they prefer without ever visiting another site. While you may not get the booking, you will be earning a commission by reselling another tour or activity in the region.

Enjoy a boost in your revenue. By networking in the area and offering competing products on your website, you will be able to reduce the cost-per-click of your AdWords campaign. You don’t have to worry as much about visitors who come to your site and never convert to customers, because there is a higher likelihood that they will make some type of purchase while they are on your page. Working with your competitors is mutually beneficial, as you both will be enjoying an increase in profits that you might not otherwise have discovered.

Rezdy is an online booking system that provides tour and activity operators with the innovative features they need in order to streamline their business. In addition to helping you increase your bookings through an online reservation system, Rezdy also strives to provide you with the resources you need to grow your business. In order to find out more information about creating an effective online marketing campaign, download our online marketing ebook today.

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