Google Adwords is one of those SEO tools that everyone talks about — you simply have to invest in Adwords if you want to grow your business and increase your target audience online. As an individual tour and activity operator, though, you are often at a disadvantage. Large Online Travel Agents, or OTAs, invest their financial resources in Adwords specialists whose entire job it is to create a successful Adwords campaign. These large OTAs rank higher than any individual, local supplier, and therefore enjoy a higher return on investment.

As a tour and activity provider, it will take a lot of time for you to make an Adwords campaign profitable. This largely because you pay per click with Adwords, but just because you get a click doesn’t necessarily mean you will convert the visitor into a customer. These are steps you need to take in order to increase your Adwords direct bookings:

Target the right audience.

You need to identify a specific group of people who will be most likely to book your tours and activities. For example, if you run a surf shop, you probably will not be targeting senior citizens who are visiting your beach town to escape a long, cold winter. Rather, you will want to target young, energetic and athletic individuals who are interested in travel.

Set the right bids.

You need to determine the maximum amount you are willing to pay per click for your ads, and hope that it drives in the right amount of sales without going over your budget.

Implement an SEO strategy

that helps you take the clicks you earn and convert them into sales. A click is nothing if you don’t get a booking from it, so your website needs to be user-friendly.

If this sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is.

Luckily, there’s a way to become less reliant on PPC marketing, increase your indirect bookings and avoid the PPC confusion. When you implement Rezdy, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds. Through Rezdy, you can connect with OTAs and provide them with your real-time availability on the marketplace. They can easily incorporate your tours and activities into their packages, and begin reselling your products.

Since the large OTAs invest their time and resources into Adwords specialists, you get to benefit from that. The OTAs pay for the clicks in order to drive customers to their sites, and you get to enjoy the conversions as more and more customers book your tours and activities. The OTAs will be happy to work with you, since their commission rates are set on Rezdy and they will instantly earn the money that they deserve for reselling your products. And you will be thrilled to work with them, since you can forget about that cumbersome three-step process and focus instead on growing the business that you love.


To find out more information about Rezdy and all of the ways it can benefit your tour and activity company, start your free trial today.

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