Google Alerts are an ever-useful tool that tour and activity providers have been using for years in order to stay on top of their link building opportunities. Tour and activity providers can use Google Alerts in order to track their own brand reputation, the media reports on their products and even stay informed about their competition. Here’s several ways you can use Google Alerts for your own tour company:

Alerts that Track Your Keywords

You are probably using a set of keywords on your page that you are hoping will boost your rankings in the search engines, so it’s important to keep track of the activity surrounding these keywords on the web. Set up Google Alerts for your specific keywords, such as “whale watching in Sydney”, in order to discover what type of content is ranking. Hopefully you’ll see your own website pop up frequently.

Alerts to Track Links

You want people to be linking to your website in order to grow your business and enhance your presence online. Set up alerts that will track the links coming into your site so you can monitor the activity surrounding your brand. By tracking the links, you will be able to discover new opportunities for growth and improvement in your online presence. Don’t forget to track links for your top competitors as well, as this can help you understand what they are doing that is working, and what you can do to continue to improve.

Alerts About Yourself

It may sound obvious, but you will want to set up alerts with your own company name. This can help you monitor any mentions that you are getting online, including any local press, blog posts, or even reviews. This allows you to stay informed and manage your brand better.

Alerts to Stay On Top of the Competition

Not only do you need to be concerned about what people are saying about you online, but you also want to keep an eye out for what is being said about the competition. Google Alerts can be set up with the name of your direct competitor, so that you can see every time they get mentioned in a blog post, news story or video. As the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Google Alerts are a great way to monitor the competition.

Google Alerts is an easy-to-use tool to find link-building opportunities, in order to improve your search engine rank.

If you aren’t maximizing your use of Google Alerts, then you are simply missing out on the vast expanse of industry information and link building opportunities on the Internet. Google Alerts can be as broad or as localized as you would like. While this is one critical component of your link building SEO strategy, you should note that there is so much more to developing a comprehensive and effective SEO campaign. To find out the best way to improve the online presence for your tour and activity company, download the Rezdy online marketing ebook today.

Tour Operator eBook

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