When implementing your SEO strategy, you know that you need to incorporate keywords into your content in a natural way. While it may seem like the only way to do this is in the introduction to your landing page or during the call-to-action, there are actually more subtle ways to sneak relevant and powerful keywords into your content. For instance, you can focus on using keywords within your tour descriptions.

If you run an adventure park in the Rocky Mountains, then you are probably familiar with the search terms that your customers use in order to find your business. Keywords that you incorporate into your content might include “adventure park in the Rocky Mountains” or “Rocky Mountains family activity.” Take these phrases, and add them naturally to your tour descriptions.

Example: Our Rocky Mountain adventure tour includes a four-wheel excursion and a hike through the local trails. This is the best Rocky Mountains family activity that you can find for the price, and it’s perfect for any type of adventure-seeker.

Tips for Incorporating Keywords into Your Tour Descriptions

  • Create multiple products to broaden your target audience. When you develop different tours and activities, create new landing pages so that they can be targeted to the people who are most likely to book those specific options. For instance, if you have a group of products that are designed for kids, create a family-friendly page for your site. If you have another set of tours that are developed for the skilled adventurer, create a separate landing page that is targeted specifically to that audience.
  • Write different tour descriptions in order to target a different persona. Perhaps you have a tour that appeals to several different types of groups. Write the tour description several times, and display it on the appropriate landing pages. Incorporate keywords that target the group you are hoping will book for that particular landing page. Then, you can write the same tour description in a different way in order to attract a different persona.
  • Choose a tour description landing page for your Google AdWords campaign in order to improve your quality score. You are rewarded for the quality of the content on your site, and if you can incorporate keywords naturally into your tour descriptions it will not appear as if you have stuffed them into your page. When you use the right search terms and your quality score improves, the cost per click will go down. Ultimately, you’ll be able to pay less for a more effective AdWords campaign, which means you will enjoy an increase in your overall ROI while also enjoying more bookings for your tour and activity company.

Your online marketing strategy is pivotal to growing your business and increasing your bookings. Rezdy can help you develop and implement an online marketing campaign that increases your exposure and converts your visitors into customers. For more SEO tips and advice for developing your website, download our online marketing ebook today.

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