Updated April 2023 – Could #hashtags help grow your guest list? 

Can TikTok really boost your travel bookings?

If you’re running tours or activities in the tourism industry, chances are you’re maintaining a social media presence too. That’s because it’s the place to be found. 4.55 billion people now use social media actively, and as a population, we spend a surprising 15% of our waking hours scrolling our social feeds. That popularity translates into more bookings for many tourism businesses. 

Let’s explore the role of social media in tourism marketing at key points in the customer journey – and how you can use it to maximize your reach and impact.  

How does social media influence tourism?

The importance of social media in the tourism industry cannot be overstated. Social media and tourism pair beautifully together, because they both focus on sharing experiences. 

As highlighted by global tourism industry statistics, social media’s impact on tourism can be particularly potent for younger demographics. 46% of Generation Z travelers say Instagram influences their travel decisions, with 50% also taking cues from Facebook posts. Millennials are just as receptive to social media, with 51% saying their travel decisions are influenced or inspired by Facebook interactions. Given that Millennials alone make up 31.5% of the global population, that can be a massive share of your market you can easily and affordably reach!

So, what exactly is the role of social media in tourism marketing and at which points in the customer journey can social media have an effect?

social media impact on tourism

Building awareness & providing inspiration

Those social posts about lounging over the water in the Maldives, camping at Yosemite or going on safari in Tanzania? They all inspire wanderlust and raise awareness of those unique places in the world. Destination marketing can be just as important as promoting your specific products or services when it comes to the phenomenal impact of social media on tourism. As a result, effective social media marketing might not focus solely on inspirational content about your tours or activities but also highlight the truly amazing aspects of your special corner of the world.

Assisting with travel planning

Helping would-be guests dream about travel is a great outcome, but converting that interest to action is key for your business. Social media can be a powerful place to help customers form travel plans and solidify their travel dates. 

To encourage these positive social media effects on a tourism business, you could: 

  • Post quick up-to-date videos on the best times of year to book
  • Discuss any exciting events coming up in the area, and 
  • Share useful tips about travel to your location

Easing the booking process

Now to convert that travel intent into active bookings. Online bookings can originate from a variety of sources – from Instagram, to big Online Travel Agents (OTAs) – so it helps to direct traffic to your own dedicated booking website or online tour scheduling software.

It’s so important that you have a secure, seamless online booking process available to capture interest from any location at any time of day. It’s also important that resellers and online travel agents can see live availability and make real-time reservations for your tours or activities, so you’ll be able to capture every ounce of that online interest.

Sharing experiences

social media effects on tourism

The importance of social media in the tourism industry becomes crystal clear when you consider the way people love to share and recount their tourism experiences online. Social posts can be an incredibly important source of social proof, and a post from friends or family could be enough to inspire that next getaway. This is why it’s vital to follow up on your guest experiences with automated review requests for your website, social pages, or TripAdvisor. 

Benefits of social media marketing for tour operators

As a tour operator, you know the importance of reaching new customers and keeping existing ones engaged. Social media marketing can help you achieve both of these goals and much more.

In this section, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of social media marketing for tour operators.

Enhanced brand awareness

As a tour operator, social media marketing is an effective way to increase brand awareness. By creating and maintaining an active social media presence, tour operators can reach a wider audience and increase their visibility in the market. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow tour operators to showcase their products and services, share customer feedback and reviews, and create engaging content that appeals to their target audience. You can also play around with Instagram stories to show the more human side of your brand. Schedule Instagram stories to come out during peak hours when your audience is online.

By regularly posting high-quality content and interacting with followers, tour operators can build a strong online community and establish their brand as a trusted authority in the industry. This can lead to increased bookings, as customers are more likely to choose a tour operator with a recognizable brand and positive online reputation.

Increased customer engagement

Social media marketing can be a powerful tool for tour operators to increase customer engagement. By regularly posting relevant and interesting content, responding to comments and messages, and actively participating in online conversations, tour operators can create a sense of community with their customers. This engagement can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy, as customers feel more connected to the brand and are more likely to recommend the tour operator to others.

Targeted and relevant ads

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow tour operators to create targeted and relevant advertisements that reach potential customers who are interested in their products or services. These ads can be based on a user’s interests, demographics, behavior, and more, ensuring that they are delivered to the right audience at the right time. This level of customization and targeting helps tour operators to maximize their advertising spend and improve their ROI by reaching people who are most likely to convert into paying customers. Additionally, social media platforms offer valuable analytics and reporting tools that allow tour operators to track the performance of their ads and make data-driven decisions about their marketing strategies.

Cost-effective marketing campaigns

One of the biggest online marketing challenges tour operators face is managing their marketing budget effectively. Social media marketing provides a cost-effective solution by allowing tour operators to reach a large audience with minimal spending. Compared to traditional advertising channels like print or TV, social media platforms offer much lower costs per impression or click, allowing tour operators to stretch their marketing dollars further.

On a similar note, social media platforms offer a range of advertising options to suit different budgets and objectives, from simple boosted posts to more advanced targeting options like custom audiences and lookalike audiences. By leveraging social media marketing, tour operators can maximize their reach and engagement while keeping their advertising costs under control. 

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Social media tactics to reach customers and get more bookings

Social media is an essential marketing channel for tour operators who want to reach new customers and increase bookings. However, with so many social media platforms and marketing tactics available, it can be challenging to know where to start. 

Whether you’re just getting started with social media marketing or looking to take your campaigns to the next level, these tips and tricks will help you succeed. And if you’re looking for even more tour operator marketing ideas, you can check out more tour operator marketing ideas here.


  • Share high-quality photos and videos of your tours and activities to showcase your offerings and entice potential customers
  • Keep your Facebook page updated with fresh content and engage with your followers through comments and messages
  • Use Facebook Ads to target specific audiences based on interests, demographics, and behaviors, and drive traffic to your website or booking page
  • Join relevant Facebook groups for travelers, adventure enthusiasts, or people interested in your destination to promote your tours and interact with potential customers
  • Utilize Facebook Events to promote upcoming tours and activities, and encourage followers to RSVP and share with their friends and networks.


importance of social media in tourism industry

  • Share visually stunning photos and videos of your tours and activities to showcase your offerings and capture the attention of potential customers
  • Use Instagram Stories to provide a behind-the-scenes look at your business and create a sense of exclusivity and urgency for potential customers
  • Utilize Instagram Reels to create short, engaging videos that highlight the unique experiences and adventures you offer
  • Collaborate with influencers or micro-influencers who have a following that aligns with your target audience, and have them showcase your tours and activities on their Instagram accounts
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase your reach and attract potential customers who are searching for content related to your destination or activities
  • Engage with your followers and potential customers by responding to comments and direct messages, and by following and engaging with relevant accounts in your industry

You can check out these great examples of tour operator Instagram pages for more inspiration.


  • Share updates and news about your tours and activities on Twitter to keep your followers and potential customers informed and engaged
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your tweets and attract potential customers who are searching for content related to your destination or activities
  • Monitor and respond to customer questions and comments on Twitter to provide excellent customer service and build a positive reputation for your business
  • Retweet and engage with other relevant accounts in the tourism industry to build relationships and increase your visibility within the community


  • Create high-quality videos showcasing your tours and activities, and upload them to YouTube to provide potential customers with a virtual tour and entice them to book
  • Use targeted YouTube Ads to reach potential customers who are interested in your destination or activities, and drive traffic to your website or booking page
  • Collaborate with relevant YouTubers or influencers to showcase your tours and activities to their audience and expand your reach
  • Create virtual tours of your destination or activities to provide potential customers with an immersive and engaging experience, even before they book
  • Utilize YouTube’s analytics tools to track views and engagement metrics and adjust your content and advertising strategies accordingly


  • Create inspiring travel boards on Pinterest that showcase your destination and the experiences and activities that you offer
  • Use relevant keywords in your board titles, descriptions, and pins to increase visibility and attract potential customers who are searching for content related to your destination or activities
  • Collaborate with relevant influencers or travel bloggers to feature your destination or activities on their boards and increase your reach
  • Include a “book now” call-to-action on your pins to drive traffic to your website or booking page


  • Create short, engaging videos showcasing your destination and the experiences and activities that you offer on TikTok
  • Participate in trending challenges and use popular hashtags to increase the reach of your videos and attract potential customers who are searching for content related to your destination or activities
  • Use TikTok Ads to target specific audiences based on interests, demographics, and behaviors, and drive traffic to your website or booking page
  • Collaborate with relevant TikTok influencers or micro-influencers to feature your destination or activities in their videos and increase your reach

Key takeaways

In today’s digital age, social media has become a crucial component of any tourism business’s marketing strategy. By leveraging the power of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest, tour operators can effectively promote their destination and activities, reach new customers, and increase bookings. From creating visually stunning content to engaging with followers and collaborating with influencers, there are countless ways that tour operators can use social media to drive business success.

Simply put, prioritizing social media marketing can be a key element of a business’s overall marketing strategy, tour operators can position themselves for success in the competitive tourism industry.

Easily manage incoming bookings from your social media platforms with the help of an online booking software. For example, Rezdy automates the entire booking process with advanced tools such as real-time availability viewer, automated guest communication, and the ability to accept secure digital payments.

Ready to join the thousands of Rezdy operators that increased their bookings by an average of 27% in 2022? Start your FREE 21-day trial or book a demo today.

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