Facebook Messenger took the concept of direct messaging an individual and created a social platform that is becoming more relied upon each and every day. While Messenger is used frequently by private individuals, it is also a valuable marketing resource for your tour and activity company. Here’s how you can use Facebook Messenger marketing for tourism can take your business to the next level:

Enable opt-in Messaging

Opt-in messaging allows users to receive more frequent communication with you. Essentially, a user who direct messages you over Facebook Messenger will be added to your opt-in messaging list. There also are other ways to get more users on this opt-in list, such as using automatic responses on your Facebook comments. Once you have an opt-in messaging list established, you can then send out information to your most interested travelers about your tours and activities. For example, you could send a message about a new tour that you are launching in the spring as well as an exclusive promotional code that your followers can use to book it. Ultimately, your opt-in messaging list will help you communicate with the most motivated segment of your target audience.

Offer personal responses to customers

Facebook Messenger also provides you with a portal for connecting with your customers on a more personal level. For example, if one of your Facebook followers messages you about your current availability for a specific tour, you can respond with additional information that might make their experience more enjoyable. Always remember to address them by name, provide them with the information they seek as well as a little bit more advice that could help, and remind them that you are available if they need anything else. You may even want to add in a comment about their adorable pet in their profile picture or their stunning panoramic landscape shot that they are using as a cover photo. It is these extra touches that people prefer on the Facebook Messenger app.

Use a messaging format that increases site traffic and conversions

Facebook Messenger now allows businesses to create several “automatic” questions that users can ask over the platform. Popular options include, “What are your hours today?” or “Where can I find your list of available tours?” By giving users the opportunity to select a quick question, you streamline their experience and can quickly and efficiently provide them with the answer they are seeking. Most automatic questions have automatic responses that can be sent instantly to that particular user. Use these auto responses as an opportunity to send people to your website to finalize their booking. This will help boost your site traffic as well as your conversion rate and ultimately allow you to generate more revenue for your tour and activity company.

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