In 2018, tens of thousands of people stormed the streets of New York City, all for the chance to grab themselves a photo with Justin Bieber himself. There was only one problem. It wasn’t Justin Bieber. It was Brad Sousa, a person who looked only slightly similar to Justin Bieber. The anchor that convinced the world that he was Justin Bieber was the people around him. It was a group of body-guards, publicists and fake fans telling the world that Brad Sousa was in fact, Justin Bieber. As more people were convinced he was the real Justin Bieber, they began telling their friends. And with that, Brad’s social proof grew.


The people around you are your social proof. Online, social media is your social proof. Social proof is what’ll get people to trust you. So if you want to increase your bookings online, you’ll need to improve your social media game!

Social Media Platforms Are The Friends Around You

It’s what gives you social-proof. I’m sure we’d all agree that the guy with his friends at the bar seems like a much better guy to engage with than the one drinking his sorrows away, alone, in the corner. There are plenty of platforms out there, but a great way to kickstart the journey of social media marketing for tour companies is to start with Facebook. If you’re interested in other platforms, here’s a link to our Social-Media E-book.

But why Facebook?


  • 68% of Americans use Facebook.
  • Of that, 74% visit Facebook daily.
  • Worldwide, there are 2.41 billion active users.

With that being said, here’s a quick list of items to ensure your tours and travels Facebook page will help you convert customers:

  • Cover Image
    Do you have one and is it visually appealing? Your image should be high-quality and represent your business. Some experts recommend using plenty of bright colors.
  • Profile Picture
    Again, this needs to be high-quality and represent your business. Business logos are usually the go-to. Also, ensure that your profile pictures are consistent throughout all the social media platforms you’re on so customers can find you more easily.
  • About
    Have you completed all fields? Do you have a link to your website? Does your page description quickly and accurately describe what your business does?
  • Post Frequency
    How often do you post? It is recommended that you post at least 5 times a week and at the same time each day as this allows your followers to know when to expect to see each of your posts.
  • Responsiveness
    Are you responding to all questions, comments, and messages? How quickly are you doing it? The faster, the better.
  • Content
    Are your posts interesting to your audience? What are the themes? Does it invoke humor or awe? Is it informational or helpful?
  • Engagement
    Is your audience engaging with you? Are they liking and commenting on your posts? How high is your engagement rate?

You’ve made it to the end of Chapter 3.

We’re excited to see your new Facebook Page! If you’d like to work on other social media platforms, download our social media e-book below!

If you haven’t already, check out Chapter 2: Advertising.

Once you’re ready, check out Chapter 4: Competitor Analysis.








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